Three coconut tour

The Ocean, wild, terrifying, yet always magnificent.  Our father and mother had a fascination with it, as does my sister and I. After they build their 58′ ketch sailboat (with our help, of course….wink) they sailed the turbulent Pacific West Coast from Vancouver, to Washington, Oregon and California, and eventually to Hawaii.

Building our boat on dry dock, designed by our father, Stane Polovic.
We would accompany them when we could. Sailing around the West Coast. (LTR: dad, Marina, Adriane and her dog Bear, and mom)
Our mom, Slavica, taking her turn at the helm sailing around the islands.
Our dad, Stane, taking a siesta on the boat.

When they arrived there, it was love at first sight. They knew they had found their home. So they stayed there, swimming, snorkelling, and exploring.

Their favorite place in Hawaii.
A daily swim in the warm ocean.
Over Waikiki beach
Our mom, doing what she loved best.

They planned to go to Tahiti, their ultimate destination and renew their vows, unfortunately their health forced them to turn the sails in the opposite direction and set course for home.

A few years later, sadly, with champagne we said goodbye.

My sister and I want to pay homage to them and finish the trip they always wanted. So we decided that next year, 2021, in April we are doing that. We are calling it the “Three Coconut Tour”. Our first coconut, Hawaii will be for the past. In Hawaii we plan to visit the place where they moored and swim in the area they swam, then on to our second coconut, Tahiti, a place they always wanted to go. We will carry them in our hearts. And then on to the third coconut, Cook Islands, for us, to explore and relax on the sun-swept beaches.

Marina in Hawaii
Adriane in Hawaii

Looking  back at our Marco Polo connection, I can feel our ancestors stirring deep inside us giving us that rich desire to explore. It runs deep. It permeates both of our families and our children. It is the call of the unexplored, the call of the mountains, the call of the ocean and the call of connectivity to other cultures and people.  

Until April……