Two sisters follow the trail of one of the world’s greatest traveler and explorer Marco Polo. Eight hundred years later on the trail where their journey will take them through rough seas, a dozen countries, two deadly deserts, and the “roof the world” the Pamir mountain range. The epic journey goes thought the heart of ancient civilizations on the legendary Silk Road. Spanning over six months the sisters ask who Marco Polo was and are they themselves his descendants? Follow along as they unearth clues to this mystery against the backdrop of war torn countries, political unrest, religious wars, perilous deserts, seas and mountain crossings on an epic adventure 800 years in the making.
Marco Polo Caravane By Abraham Cresques, Atlas catalan (Scanné de Coureurs des mers, Poivre d’Arvor
Learn more about THE MOVIE produced by BC based Sea to Sky Entertainment
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